Friday, November 4, 2011

Moving into New England...

            America was an opportunity for Europeans to expand out to an “uncharted” world. Both the Indians and the Europeans had contrasting views of the landscape. The Europeans, “tendency [was] to view the landscape in terms of their own cultural concepts, the selective emphasis on commodities,” (Cronon 22). They were out to secure their own wants and needs in this vast land. All around them were an abundance of timber, land, animals and soil for planting crops. Each was viewed as a commodity in their own “economic” visual of the land. They saw opportunity to take advantage of this ecosystem.  After a year or two, the Europeans discovered this land wasn’t like England at all. As the colonists prepared for the winter season they realized they were not prepared for this lifestyles. After many perished, the Europeans were able to learn and study the ways of the Indian lifestyle.  Being in a new ecosystem, the Europeans picked up Indian traditions in order to improve their own lifestyles. They were able to grasp how the, “Indians held their demands on the ecosystem to a minimum,” (53).  The colonists then used these techniques and implemented them into their perception of life and the use of the seasons. It was a way to make a profit and improve their living back in the homeland. The Europeans’ vision was to exploit each commodity to its fullest potential. Their mission was to develop permanent settlements and ultimately “improve” the land. They invested a lot in the land and expected heavy “profit,” in return. 

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